'Returning from Battle' Requisiten

Prop building for my latest intuitive portrait „Returning from Battle“, that shows Amazon queen Nemeia and her battle lion, proved particularly challenging, as I decided to build Nemeia's helmet and breastplate from scratch using Worbla thermoplastic modelling material, EVA foam and paperclay. The best thing was water gilding and burnishing the helmet. It’s fun to work with 18kt gold leaf! The shine of gold is second to none!

Returning from Battle: Amazon queen Nemeia and her battle lion

Returning from Battle: Amazon queen Nemeia and her battle lion

Water gilding Nemeia's helmet

Water gilding Nemeia's helmet

Water gilding Nemeia's helmet

Water gilding Nemeia's helmet

Breastplate elements: Worbla and EVA foam

Breastplate complete before gilding

Breastplate complete before gilding